College Capstone

Welcome to Employee Time Tracker. This app is built using ASP.NET, AZURE, Azure SQL DB, MS Server Mgmnt Studio, and Xunit. This application is hosted using azure and is a full stack web application.

These were the requirements for the project

B. Design and develop a fully functional full stack (mobile or web) software product that addresses your identified business problem or organizational need. Include each of the following attributes, as they are the minimum required elements for the application:

● code including inheritance, polymorphism, and encapsulation

● search functionality with multiple row results and displays

● a database component with the functionality to securely add, modify, and delete the data

● ability to generate reports with multiple columns, multiple rows, date-time stamps, and title

● validation functionality

● industry-appropriate security features

● design elements that make the application scalable

● a user-friendly, functional GUI

C. Create each of the following forms of documentation for the software product you have developed:

● a design document including a class diagram and design diagram

● link to where the web app is hosted with HTML code (if applicable)

● link to the GitLab repository of the code indicating the version included in this submission

● user guide for setting up and running the application for maintenance purposes

● user guide for running the application from a user perspective

D. Explain how the software product was tested, including the following:

● a test plan for a unit test, including screenshots

● unit test scripts

● the results of the unit tests based on the provided test plan, including screenshots

● summaries of changes resulting from completed tests

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