
Explore my Python Pong game, a project showcasing the integration of an intelligent AI opponent using Pygame. This classic two-player experience has been enhanced with strategic gameplay against an adaptive AI paddle. With responsive controls and a modern twist on the timeless Pong arcade, this project reflects my skills in Python game development, offering a glimpse into the fusion of classic gaming and artificial intelligence.

Snake Game

The Snake Game is a fun and classic arcade-style game built in Python. Players control a snake, eating food to grow longer while avoiding collisions with walls or their body. It was made using pygame and was a fun side project I worked on.

Hack The Box 2024

During this year's hack the box enterprise CTF event I participated with some coworkers from my company. Under the coding section I was able to write solutions to all 4 coding problems. This was a great learning experience and really helped me develop skills in algorithm efficiency

Job Scraper

This Python script leverages Selenium WebDriver to automate the extraction of job listings from Indeed. By setting up the Chrome WebDriver with webdriver_manager, it ensures seamless driver installations. The script searches for jobs based on specified keywords and locations, iterating through multiple pages to gather job titles, locations, and links. With built-in error handling, it manages cases where elements may not be found, ensuring the scraping process is robust. The collected job data is then saved to a text file, neatly organizing the information for easy access. This tool efficiently automates job searches, making it ideal for data collection and analysis.

MetaData Extractor

This application allows the user to pull the meta data from images. This can be done via web link or a local file. The user can then view the meta data in a table format. This was a fun project to work on and I learned a lot about how to extract meta data from images.

Web Skimmer

WebGuardian is my powerful application that uses BeautifulSoup to scan websites for vulnerabilities. It excels in detecting and mitigating critical risks, such as SQL Injection, Cross-Site Scripting (XSS), Path Traversal, Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF), and Insecure Direct Object References (IDOR).

Top News Headlines

Top News Headlines, scans BBC the New York Times and CNN. It then outputs the articles as a list. At the top there is a search function where you can search for articles from the three news sources. Clicking the article sends the user to the article.

Python Projects

This page does not have all of my python projects. I have various scripts and smaller projects that arent shown.